Simplifying Our Bedroom

So, if you follow me over on Instagram (you should!), you’ll probably know I recently sold my big bedroom dresser. When we moved into this house, we purchased a matching set with a huge chest for Wyatt and a huge dresser for me. At first, they were perfect for us (you can read the embarrassingly cheesy post HERE), but in my journey to simplify my wardrobe, I have gotten rid of over 100 pieces of clothing, and most of my drawers in this huge dresser were empty.I did still have clothing in three drawers, and we actually had a 6 drawer dresser in the basement that was from the same childhood set as the small chest in our closet. So, a little measuring and some heavy lifting to get the old dresser up the stairs, then one final rearranging to get all the clothes in the new (actually super old) white 6-drawer dresser in the closet, and my big dresser was finally totally empty.

The Navy Blue House on the Corner

Well, we finally made one of the biggest changes we have made to our house yet, and now when people come over for the first time, we can tell them to look for “the navy blue house on the corner,” and that feels so much nicer than “that sort of tan or green house.” Right?Last year, one of our home goals was to get our house painted. Not only did we have some wood rot issues (normal, not excessive), but we also just really wanted to ditch the sort of poop greenish brown color for something more our style. I have to say, if you’re wanting to freshen up your curb appeal and you have a couple thousand bucks to spend, this is SOOO WORTH IT. I mean…look at this before and after!

Our 2019 Home Goals

Well, friends, it’s now getting close to three months into 2019 and like last year, I’m just now sharing out home goals. But, that’s okay, because even though we never cross them all off the list, I still like that it makes us think through projects that we’ve been dreaming about and planning. I appreciate that it gives us something to work towards and to look back on and see how we did. I love that it makes the year feel like it is full of hope and potential. So, here we go with our 2019 Home Goals!

How we did on our 2018 Home Goals

Guess what, friends? It’s 2019! Which means it’s time for a check up on how we did with our 2018 home goals.Huh? It’s already February 20, 2019? Where did January go? What about February? Was I sleeping? Psssh. No! We all know I don’t get to sleep that much. Was I working? Daydreaming? Doing dishes? Maybe. More likely I was wiping endless snotty noses and giving medicine and trying to make it through the germy mess that toddlerhood in wintertime seems to be for us. Ok, enough whining. This life is beautiful and wonderful and I love being home with our family. I just get a little frustrated with how slow progress is sometimes. So, here’s to celebrating what we got down, and trying again on the rest!