I already hinted at my office makeover

Yellow Frame 2

…but today, I’m showing you the whole thing.

After painting the garage sale frame yellow, I grouped it with some already-yellow frames we had, which was good…but it seemed to be lacking a little, so I went looking for more. 

I found two possibilities in my stash of frames and other wall art stuff. One was an old mirror. It was pretty dingy from years of use as a white frame in my room growing up, but luckily, I was going to spray paint over all of that anyway, so no worries!

Painting Little Mirror

To protect the surface of the mirror from getting paint on it, I just stuck some scrap pieces of paper under the edge of the frame.

(Yes, we save those little notepads in hotel rooms. You never know when you’ll need one, right?)

See how nice it looks all yellowed up?

Painting Little Mirror 2

Then, I hit this little cutey with some yellow spray paint, too.

Office Frames

And after some drying time (overnight) it was time to put them on the wall.

I used the toothpaste method I described in this post, so it went really fast, even though I was on my own with no help from Hubs.

Office Picture Makeover

Here’s how it ended up looking.

Office Picture Makeover 2

I like it so much better than what it looked like before.

Office Picture Makeover 6

Here’s the before photo, for comparison.


This version is just a lot more organized and grown-up looking I think. I’d still like to use a bunch of the prints that didn’t make it somewhere else, (like the posters!) but they were just too big for that wall or something? I’m not sure why it wasn’t working for me…

All I know is that I like it a lot better now!

On the wall over my desk, I hung the Little Engine That Could poster I had in my room as a little kid. (Isn’t it cool my mom saved it all these years?)

Little Engine That Could Print

I sometimes feel that way about my career–I just need to keep going, because I think I can make it! So, it’s a great reminder to have hanging over my desk. Plus, it’s yellow, right?

Office Picture Makeover 9

On the wall by the closet, I made a little organization station. This is where I have my work deadline calendar that I update with due dates and other notes. It’s dry erase (I used it in college for the same purpose) and it helps keep my days on schedule.

Office Picture Makeover 4

I also have the calendar Hubs got me for our one-year anniversary last year. (It’s paper after all, and I love the Peanuts “Love is…” series stuff.) And the cork board can be used for notes, but right now, it’s holding a bunch of comics I think are pretty great.

Here’s the new view when looking in the from the hall:

Office Picture Makeover 10

And how it looks from the other side:

Office Picture Makeover 7

What do you think?

Way better than it was a week ago–hello mess!

Messy Office 2

And I think it’s better than it was last fall, too. It’s still not perfect…after all, the chair under the window needs updating pretty badly, and we need bigger bookshelves…soon!

Tell me what rooms or areas you’re working on updating? Giving anything a makeover lately? How do you have pictures on the wall–do you use the toothpaste trick? Let’s talk!

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