In our first year of marriage, we’re having all sorts of “firsts.” Our first vacation together, our first Thanksgiving, our first Christmas, our first bottle of champagne…you get the idea.

So, tonight, we celebrated another, or rather several:

1. Our first taxes!

We’ve been prepping and getting ready, collecting W-2’s like crazy. (We had 6 this year! Good grief!)

And after our appointment tonight at H&R Block, we’re now filed and ready to go.

I’m quite proud of us for having all our stuff together, going through records (having records!), and getting this done early. And we’ll get a pretty nice refund so we’re already planning what to do with that. Obviously, we’ll save what we can, but I want to put some aside to spend on our trip this summer.

Because, yes, we’re taking a trip this summer!

I also learned a lot. Lesson 1: Ask questions. It’s harder to learn if people don’t know what you want to know and what you’re trying to figure out.

Eventually, we want to do our own taxes, but this first year, we wanted to have someone teach us what to do, what to look for, how to double check everything, what to save throughout the year…you know. All that big stuff for big people. Or rather grown up people. Big people don’t necessarily have to be grown ups, I guess.

2. The first time Hubs has stopped and taken the resolution side of the argument before me.

I was being grumpy for some stupid reason. Hubs called me on it. I calmed down. A few minutes later, he offered some advice for me to follow during our tax meeting. I took offense, because I hadn’t really resolved my earlier grumpiness, and I said something snappy that I shouldn’t have. It was out of line. And he reacted strongly at first. But when I called him on his reaction, he stepped back from the conversation and went above our petty argument to reflect on how we could resolve this, move on, and avoid it in the future. He actually resolved the whole thing on his own while I sat there trying to figure out what was happening. I was proud of him, proud of us.

3. The first time I “rescued” Hubs.

He locked his keys in his car at work and caught a ride to a store kind of close to our house (not that close) and I went to pick him up. Of course, I was in the shower when he called (the first five times) and I didn’t answer until the sixth call so he was a bit angry and annoyed when he was telling me the story and where he was and how I needed to come get him how I needed this to be a lesson that I take my phone into the bathroom with me when I take a shower (lesson learned!) and I was rushing around to get dressed and get out the door and when I made it there, I was also angry and annoyed because I’d hit every red light on the way except three. Seriously. And yes, that was a serious run-on sentence, but you guys don’t mind, right?

I thought so. Thanks.

Anyway, those our our three new firsts.

What about you? What firsts are the most fun? How long into a relationship are there firsts? Do they ever stop seeming special?

4 Thoughts on “Three firsts, two lessons, and one run-on sentence.”

  • I don’t think firsts ever end! I mean, first there’s marriage and all of its firsts, then there are kids and all of their firsts….then they move out, and you can experience couple firsts all over again!

    I think when we got our house, that was a fun first. Moving to a place no one knew us was a pretty exciting first. I think any first that really defines you as your own family unit is pretty fun. 🙂

    • Yes! We’re so excited for that! I love celebrating firsts so I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it, but I do know that eventually it may get harder to “see” them. However I love the idea of having second “firsts” after your kids are grown and gone. So cute! Thanks for the comment!

  • I did see in Wyatt the changes that you talk about when you visited us last. I must say he has “grown up” to be a very WONDERFUL person and I am proud to call him my son. John and I also still have some “firsts” like the first daughter in the house. You are correct that sometimes it is hard to see the “firsts” after a while. But keep looking, that is what keeps the “spark” alive!

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