This morning on my way to work, I got stuck in traffic for a few minutes because of a wreck. This made me think about two things:


1. I had been grumpy because my car was frosty and I had to scrape all the windows. It took several minutes. And judging by the fact that the emergency response people were just getting to the scene, it happened several minutes earlier. Maybe even in the few minutes I had been scraping my windows.

I said a silent little prayer thanking God for the frost. Even though I was a little late for work.

It’s not a new thought that sometimes things like this are “meant to be.” In fact, I used to think about this a lot when I was stuck behind a tractor or some other slow-moving vehicle.

Which brings me to my next point:


2. I don’t want to live in the city forever. I’m a farm girl, a country girl. Living in the city is fun for awhile because we can get Chinese food delivered and drive less than a minute to get to Wal-mart. It’s handy because Wyatt’s job is here, and mine will hopefully be here someday. But I can’t see myself being happy living here for the rest of my life. It’s too busy. Too crazy. There’s sirens all the time and traffic makes me nervous. And more than that, there’s no stars.


I know none of that is new news. but it hit me pretty hard at 7:00 this morning.


So what does this mean?

Well, it means that we probably won’t be settling into the home we’ll grow old in when we buy this first house. I guess I didn’t expect to do that anyway, but I’m more sure of it now.

It also means that Hubs and I will have some long, hard difficult decisions about are life, family, and career at some point down the road.

But again, I expected to do that anyway.


So, boys and girls, what did I learn today?


Well, not much. But a good reminder never hurt anyone.


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