Well, the snow is melting, I’ll admit, but I’m still feeling the winter blues pretty badly.

So, Hubs and I took a little excursion to World Market last night because I’d had my eyes on some new pretties for the kitchen and I had a $10 off $40 coupon that was burning a hole in my pocket as every day inched closer to its expiration.

We spent almost an hour wandering through that glorious store (which is filled with man-made sunshine for spring and Easter right now) finding treasures to bring home with us.

I should clarify. I found treasures to bring home with us. Hubs didn’t buy anything. He did find a nice and heavy cast iron pot/skillet combo that he liked, but at $50, he wasn’t ready to pull the purchase trigger and bring it home.

Anyway, here’s what’s bringing some extra sunshine into my world today:


I love these little ramekins. How perfect for our kitchen! And at 25% off $1.99, they were a great find!


And look how adorable this little guy is? A dash of salt, anyone? Sugar?


He was just too sweet to pass up for 25% off $.99!

I love how they look with the bigger, yellow ones we got at Target last fall.


Oh, and this yellow reusable plastic berry basket speaks to my soul in a sweet whisper of summer and the promise of home grown strawberries from our (future) garden. Swoon.


The bright yellow stainless steel canister is cool, too. I love how bright it is.

IMG_4330And though it may live in the cabinet or sitting on the counter for now, he’ll one day have a home on the open shelving I’m dreaming about when we redo the kitchen cabinets.


I love that it seals up tight with the wooden lid and rubber ring. Sweet!


Oh, and I’ve had my eye on these two plates for almost a month now, just waiting for a coupon so I could snap them up.


I love that my plate wall is coming together (with all but one from World Market, no less!) one at a time. The white one with the flower is from a thrift shop ($.75!) but these were really reasonable at 25% off $6.99.


So, there’s where I’m finding my inspiration for spring today. Of course, now that I’m done with writing this post, the sun has come out to melt more of the snow and the birds are chirping, (and still flying into the window—what gives?), so the world is feeling sunnier by the second. See what a little positive thinking can do for you? Where are you finding the sunshine in your life today, man-made or otherwise?

Also, because I knew we wouldn’t be back at World Market before me coupons expired (I had two extra 10% coupons), we left them with the cashier for the people behind us to use. Just a way of helping to spread the sunshine around! Seriously, try it sometime…we had it happen to us in Barnes and Noble one time around Christmas, and it was great!

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