I had planned all day to write a post about how awful my day was. The commute was terrible (both to work and home), I had issues with a source, I was locked out of my computer at work because the password expired, I lost some work I’d been doing on a project for Liz’s upcoming party…
But I saw this on my way home from work.

And how can anyone be unhappy when looking at that?
And then I ran almost 6 miles, and walked 1 with Hubs. And that felt great, too.
Then we made this for dinner.

Again, no complaints there.
And we went and played volleyball with friends for more than 2 hours. Which provided even more physical relief.
I mean, what’s better than pounding a volleyball over the net to relieve some frustration?
(Ok, maybe some things are better, but it’s pretty good!)
And I was hungry after all that running and volleyball, so Hubs made me scrambled eggs while I was showering.
Again, more and more reasons to be happy.
Even though I was all set out to be grumpy.
And now, I’m going to bed, later than I’d like (5:55 comes so early!), but much happier than I’d expected.
I’d say that’s a pretty good trade off.
I love it when stormy days end in rainbows! 🙂
Keep smiling. ^^