Right now I’m sitting on my couch wearing workout clothes, but I haven’t worked out today.
Right now I’m finding other things to do than make the work calls I need to make because it’s Friday afternoon and I’m just not motivated, even though I have a mid-week deadline next week and still need a lot of information to make it.
Right now there’s a pile of clean laundry in our bedroom that keeps getting bigger. I’ve started to walk by it and say, “I’m going to fold you today,” sternly and point at it. But it’s still not folded. It’s been two WHOLE days, people. Yikes.
Right now I’m hungry only an hour and a half after lunch because for the second day in a row all I ate was some homemade vegetable lo-mein noodles that are no where near as good as the stuff I’m craving. (Shout out to that little place in Fayette, where I went to college, that had the best Chinese food in the entire world, apparently.)
Right now I’m staring at a pile of coupons I just cut out that need to be sorted and put away. There’s also a pile of grocery ads I need to go through to price match our grocery list for this week/month.
Right now I’m wishing Hubs was home. Today’s not an anniversary or anything, I’m just feeling a little sentimental and lonely as I think about how much a love that man.

There’s a glimpse into my house on this Friday afternoon. What’s up in your corner of the world? Come on, tell me. I told you about the pile of laundry I’ve started talking to…