So, I know I posted my resolutions just yesterday for you guys. but I wanted to do a quick update to make sure you guys know we’re really working on them.
I had this brilliant idea on our way home last night from the party that Hubs and I should see how long into the new year we could go without spending money.
Spoiler alert: It didn’t last long.
So, we had the plan to save our money for as long as we could.
But our rent was due today.
And we needed to go to the grocery store tonight so we had the stuff to make this for dinner:

And at the grocery store, we saved $4.90. Wyatt’s even going to make a spreadsheet to help us keep track of how much we save. (Resolution 8 is off to a pretty good start.)
And as for portion control, we both used the small plates and are sitting on the couch not at all miserable after a delicious dinner! Maybe not the absolute healthiest, but a very good meal. And I think we did a pretty good job of not stuffing ourselves. (Resolution 3 is starting off okay…)
Oh, and I’m looking into a half marathon in April! I’m super ready to get in running shape again…I think. (Resolution 6 is even getting started already!)
P.S. I also resolve to keep blogging and “hanging out” with you guys! Here’s a little peak at what the last few months looked like, blogging-wise. If the last few months of blogging were all fireworks!
What about you guys? What are you resolving for 2012? Anything you want to work on in your marriage or with your Hubby?