This week has been a hard one for me, house-wise.
I was feeling great heading into this week because we had a weekend with great progress last weekend, and I was hoping that would continue this week.
Then, on Monday, we were so tired from our crazy weekend of work, we took a break.
Tuesday was a shopping night. We needed to go to several stores to look for certain things we need for the house. It took a long time and was sort of frustrating as everything is just so darn expensive. Needless to say, we didn’t get much done when we got home.
Wednesday was our busy day out together, and again, not a night with any time for any real progress.
Thursday night was another shopping night, stocking up on supplies for our next projects and buying all our new doors. Yikes. Expensive and stressful. Again, no progress made, but a garage full of more work to do!
Plus, when we were checking out at Home Depot, the girl rang everything up and then took our coupon, and informed us it wouldn’t work with the bulk discount we had gotten…so we asked her to ring the items up on two tickets so we could get both discounts. Which she did after rolling her eyes a little bit.
But she didn’t get it quite right that time either and had to do it again.
Oh joy, I love making a scene at public places.
Luckily, no one was waiting on us.
But I was happy we stuck with it and saved almost $50 off our total…even though it was a big pain.
So yes, by the end of last night at Home Depot, I was tired and a little cranky.
And I was not at all looking forward to loading my little SUV with all the stuff we had just spent all that money on.
Plus, driving with my back hatch open makes me nervous, no matter how many straps Hubs uses to tie things in.
Still, after a little bickering, a lot of apologizing, a little arranging, and a lot of rearranging, we managed to get this accomplished.

(Bonus points if you know what I was referencing there!)
Anyway, so we get all loaded up, buckled in, and with a bunch of random sports equipment and car stuff all over my lap since it won’t fit in the back and Wyatt goes to start the car.
Only nothing happens.
Battery is dead.
Yup, really.
Neither of us has any idea why sitting there with the doors open for 10 minutes was enough to drain the battery, but it was I guess…so yea. Oh well. Wyatt says it must be time for a new one. I say…well, I pretty much agree with whatever he says on this topic.
So, Hubs was a perfect gentlemen (even though I could tell he was really so angry and frustrated he wanted to scream or kick something) and asked one of the home depot worker guys if they could jump us. He said sure and went to get his cables.
Only it turned out he didn’t have cables.
So that guy asked another guy.
Awesome. Let’s involve more people in this, I thought!
But really, what other choice did we have?
So, that guy had cables and pulled his shiny new silver sports car over to my ol’ Jimmy (who we now call the Blue Puma as a means of encouraging him to keep hanging on and not give up on us)
(More bonus points if you know what that is a reference to!)
And we got a jump and got going on our merry little way home.
What a night, huh?
Needless to say, I was pretty deflated by the time we got there. And it was already basically 10:00 so pretty much no progress got done last night either.
But tonight will be better, because it’s a new day and because I’m sitting on our deck enjoying the beautiful weather and thinking how blessed we are to live here at all, no matter if we get all these projects done before our party or not.
So, what about you? Anything new in your life? Ever needed a jump at a really, REALLY inconvenient time before?
Wow. What a week! I know how easy it is for stuff like that to be discouraging. We just had our own dead battery story last week. But way to have a great attitude! 🙂 Hoping and praying that today and the rest of the weekend will lift your spirits, and that you’ll accomplish even more than you thought possible!
Thank you! I feel energized thinking about how fantastic the weather is, so I’m excited to get to work! Hope your car battery story had a good ending, too!
Phew… you have definitely had quite the week! I always like to think that the rough weeks like this help us appreciate more the weeks were life goes smoothly. My poor husband has had a week like yours where you plan to do stuff but other aspects of life (for him his job) just get in the way. Luckily we go on vacation this week (first time for a vacation for us since our honeymoon last Sept) so it will definitely be a great time to just relax and regroup! We’ve been doing a lot of talk about the future recently such as kids and new house… so much needed step back for a few days!! Hope you have a fantastic weekend and get lots accomplished on the house!
Thanks for the encouragement! It is so true that we need to rest and regroup every now and then. We have a small trip planned in the middle of October after we make it through it this push. I wish you guys a wonderful and relaxing trip. Have fun!
Wow, I’m glad you guys made it through that misadventure.
I had something sorta similar happen… My radiator hose exploded while I was at a gas station at night. Thankfully a mechanic was at the pump opposite me and offered to fix it for me. ^^
Oh, oh, and is that a Dresden File reference in there? That is a great series!
The “Blue Puma” is a take on the “Blue Beetle” I mean?
Well, good guess. But it’s actually a reference to a professional soccer player for our Kansas City team. (I’ll have to to check out the Dresden Files, though.) And thanks for playing along!
Aw darn. 😛 Next time.
That was lucky to have someone there that could fix it! Glad you got things figured out…car trouble is no fun!