About 9:00 this morning, I realized I could only see out of one eye.
So I rubbed a bit, carefully of course, because rubbing my eyes with my contacts in sometimes makes the contacts fall out.
And I blinked a lot and tried to focus better.
But to no avail.
Because I still couldn’t see out of that eye, and not very well out of both of them put together, I went to check it out.
And there was no contact in my eye.
Ah man…
So then I had a choice…
Either spend an hour looking through out bed sheets for a tiny rolled up, dried out sliver of lightish blue clear contact…or I could suck it up and open a new one from my stack of “too expensive, can’t believe we’re paying for all that just so I can see better” contacts.

I went with option two.
On the plus side, I saw great all day today.
The last 2 posts I can’t see your pics. Are you doing something different or is it my computer?
I can’t see them either!
hmmm… I’ll work on it!