I’m proud to say that I’m being the best little housewife I can be, despite being frustrated about still not having a job. Yes, I’m sometimes bored, and yes, I sometimes get discouraged, (I got rejected for another job yesterday) but I’m turning into quite the little chef.
(P.S. I love “my” knives (Wyatt was the one that really wanted them) that we got from Wyatt’s coworkers. Thanks!)
Anyway, I have this sort of fear that no matter what I cook, and no matter how bad it tastes, Wyatt will eat it just to make me feel better. Maybe that’s not true. Maybe he would refuse to eat it if he really hated it, but since it hasn’t happened yet, I’m still unsure.
So I got the idea from several cooking blogs I’ve been browsing to try a new recipe. Ice Cream Bread.
It sounds kind of delicious, and kind of weird.
But I love ice cream, and I love bread, so I tried it.
It’s the easiest recipe ever:
2 cups of whatever ice cream flavor you want (We used chocolate peanut butter)
1 1/2 cups of self-rising flour.
Mix together and bake in a loaf pan (or muffin pans) for 30 minutes at 350 degrees, depending on your oven settings and the size of your pan.
Unfortunately, it didn’t taste as good as it sounded. Or smelled. (Because it smelled like peanut butter cookies.)

And since I still don’t have a loaf pan, I used muffin tins and cupcake wraps for my “ice cream muffins.”

And when they were done baking, and cooling on my table, I began to suspect that they weren’t going to be as good as I thought. They looked a little dry, a little too much like bread and too little like ice cream.

And they were okay, just not good. So far, we’ve eaten all the ones with sugar (I brought them over to my Aunt’s house yesterday to let them try them). They had the same opinion as Wyatt and I did. They were just okay. And I’m not sure what we’re going to do with the rest of them…
But that’s okay, because I learned that Wyatt has been honest about my food so far, because he certainly didn’t tell me he loved this.
Which is fine. (Especially because I didn’t like it either.) I want to make things he likes to eat. And I really would want to know if he didn’t like something.
And while he didn’t spit it out or choke on it, he certainly didn’t ask for more. So I’ll take that as a sign that he’s liked everything else, and put this on my list of foods to never make again.
And that’s okay, because I have my eye on a pumpkin cupcake recipe I’m going to try next. Yum.
(I hope.)
I like that you’ve been adding lots of pictures.
With all these new recipes, you could print out some copies and make a “first year” scrapbook or photo album of all the new recipes you made or new adventures you had. I picture it as really cute in one of those small 8×8 size books.
cute idea! I’ll see what I can come up with.
Ice cream bread. It does sound kinda tasty. Sorry that it didn’t come out as you’d hoped though.
It’s a good thing that your first “flop” wasn’t as bad as mine. ^^’
If you feel like having a good laugh, here’s a link to that post.