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So…with baby due in less than 6 weeks (AHHH!!) I figure it’s time I finally finish and share the mood board I’ve been slowly, slowly putting together for months now.
We knew we wanted gender neutral again as we aren’t “finder-outers” and I have been really drawn to a lot of white lately, and black is just a fun accent for that, especially for babies who respond well to black and white contrast as their eyes are developing. So, my inspiration became a black and white modern nursery.
1. Black and White prints | 2. Plus Sign Pillow | 3. Crib | 4. Ikea Bins | 5. Dresser 6. Book Ledges | 7. Letter Block Ottoman
| 8. Stuffed Zebra | 9. Side Table | 10. Glider
Some of you more longtime readers may notice this is the same exact crib we have in Will’s room. No, we’re not reusing his. We actually bought a second one. Basically, Will is still happy and does great in his crib (with the walls up) but it also converts to a toddler bed, so even if we wanted to transition him to that, he could keep using his crib another year probably if we wanted. It just made sense to buy another crib for us.
I looked for different but similar cribs, (because we really like this one–you can read all about the factors that went into choosing it HERE) and I just wasn’t finding anything I loved, so Wyatt finally asked me why I was worrying about it and to get the same one. Of course he would be so practical. When I looked it up and found it was actually in stock and even cheaper than when we bought it 2.5 years ago, I gave in and clicked the order button.
You may have also noticed it’s also the same glider we have in Will’s room. But, for that one, I didn’t have to buy a second one. You may remember that we actually had a rocker in Will’s room at first, and then switched to a glider to make it easier to get some serious movement for our seriously temperamental sleeper back in our rocking to sleep days…which means we still have the original rocker in the basement. The glider will be moved to the baby’s room, and Will will get his original rocker back since we rarely actually rock him now and mostly sit and read in that chair. It”s just as comfy and will still rock for some subtle bedtime motion, so I think it will be perfect for him as an older kiddo.
We have started shopping for big items like the crib and have a few of these items already so we’re not at a total blank room this close to our deadline/duedate. But…we do have a decent amount of work to be done still.
I’ll be sharing more about our choices as we get this blank room furnished. For now, you can rest assured, we are officially starting with a clean, blank slate. It’s got white walls, white ceiling, white trim, white closet. Seriously, it’s a very white room right now. Ha! Nothing like a fresh start, right?
Plus, you may remember we recently painted our basement family room white, and are loving that so far in terms of the lightness it brings to a space that could otherwise fee, a bit dark, so I’m hopeful it will do the same for this space.
Here’s a fun look back and where this room has been so far in it’s lifetime, at least as long as we’ve known this house. It actually started out fairly simple…and then I crazied it up with so many mismatched posters and prints and stuff. (So. Many. Nail holes. to patch when we painted this time around.) Then, I grew up the space a bit for my office, and finally, it will now be a nice, white nursery.
I know it’s okay if the room isn’t totally ready when the baby arrives, but I’m glad it’s at least painted and prepped. And there is a crib in there. No mattress, but a crib.
Also, if you want to go back and see where we started with our inspiration for Will’s room CLICK HERE. It was fun for me to see how close to the actual room we ended up on that mood board. His room is one of my favorite rooms in our house so fingers crossed this room comes together just as well!
Any advice to calm my nerves about getting this room ready in time? Any suggestions on where to find some super cute black and white baby stuff? Drop us a comment below!