A few weeks ago, I talked about painting the nursery a fresh, light gray.

Painted Nursery 5

Similarly, we finally got the new basement guestroom painted. We used the exact same color because we got the paint for free (BOGO) and I figured it would be a nice, fresh, blank slate for the guest room. And, since it’s so light and bright, it helps keep the room from feeling too “basementy.”

Guestroom paint color


That’s especially important because the ceiling is low in there because of the duct work

Guestroom painted

All in all, painting a room is a simple, quick process. I do the cutting in with a brush, and Wyatt does the rolling. Unless I can muster up help from my mom or sister, in which case Wyatt gets excused. He’s not a fan, nor an expert, when it comes to painting.

(Sorry, honey, but you know you agree that it isn’t your strongest skill.)

But it’s still nice to have help, so I don’t complain.

Guestroom painted 4

We like to prime the room first, even if we’re not going from a dark color to a lighter one. It helps even out any discolorations on the walls (like water streaks from removing the popcorn ceiling) and it helps use less of the actual paint, if you can get away with just one coat. Luckily, in both the nursery and the guestroom, we were able to use one coat with a few touch-ups by brush the next day.

Guestroom painted 3

Now that the room is all painted, that frees us up to work on other projects like the trim and new doors. And then, the fun stuff like furniture, bedding, and decorating.

What are your strategies for painting a room? Do you tag team with your significant other or prefer to do it all yourself? Or maybe you’re lucky enough to have a significant other who does all the painting?

(As a side note, I’ve been wearing a mask to paint while pregnant, which makes it even more unpleasant. Wyatt’s been great at picking up any slack when I need to go get some fresh air and catch my breath since it’s harder to breath with that on.)

2 Thoughts on “Fresh is Best: Painting the Basement Guestroom”

  • It looks great and I hope to get spend some time there this summer. Wyatt gets his ‘lack of painting love’ from me. That is my least favorite thing to do. Luckily when we moved in here Lisa helped me paint, she likes doing it. I would be happy to help with any sewing projects for the room if you like, i.e curtains, bedding…

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