So this summer, we noticed while in the attic that we have some potential openings that would be convient for rodents and pests to get into a warm place and bunker down for the winter.  We prefer the insulation is used for keeping our house warm, not keeping a mouse warm.


We checked the vent opening on the front of the garage (see the above picture) and it seemed to be okay but there was nothing covering the openings of the turbines on top of the roof. So while we were at the Home Depot getting plants for the front flower bed and wood for the farmhouse table base, we picked up a roll of window screen.

Expensive Home Depot Trip

The turbine vents are currently covered by the exterior cap, but there’s no protection inside so small things could get through, like bats, which we have actually seen in our backyard a few times at dusk. (Which Melissa was excited about because they eat mosquitoes.)

Vent in Attic

I unrolled the screen and cut out four 10″ x 10″ squares. The actual opening was only a 7″ circle, but you want to have a good overlap on all sides for stapling.

We used the staple gun we bought for the garden boxes to attach the screen to the inside of the roof.

Putting Screen on Attic Vent

That is one less way to be infested with wasps or mice or BATS as they seek shelter during the coming winter months!

Screen on Attic Vent

How are you pest-proofing your home for winter? We’re new to this home-owner thing…is there anything we’ve missed?

2 Thoughts on “DIwYatt: Nothing in our Attic”

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