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It’s been a really long time since I’ve shared a mood board around here, but today, I finally have our bathroom plans ready and I am getting very impatient to get started.
My goal for this bathroom is to add a lot of light and brightness, with some rich, classic elements with a bit of a modern twist to feel a little luxurious and spa-like while still keeping to that happy modern style I love with some colorful, playful accents as well.
Also, storage. I want functional storage. As in, drawers that open all the way, drawers and shelves that are small enough to hold small toiletry products without getting lost, and plenty of room for backstock and towels. And did I mention using all the nooks and crannies that are currently wasted? As in…a hidden medicine cabinet in the wall?!? YES PLEASE!
Oh, and plants. Of course.
1. Plants! | 2. Hex Tile | 3. Marble Subway Tile | 4. Vanity | 5. Gold Globe Light (similar) 6. Gold Mirror | 7. Black Storage Accents
| 8. Black and White Towels | 9. Ikea Wall Cabinet | 10. Recessed Cabinet (with Art)
Now, let me say I don’t really know if this counts as “classic and modern” in terms of style. But that’s the title I put on the board when I started and I just went with it.
I am very excited and very nervous about this project because we haven’t tackled a big renovation like this in a long time. We haven’t tiled in over 7 years I don’t think, and we’ve never done a shower. Wyatt is pretty confident, and I’m confident in him—but I’m anxious to get supplies purchased and all the exact measurements and details figured out.
I also am nervous because the vanity I want is still out of stock…though the same model with a different top IS in stock after about five months of backorder…so I’m worried I’ll have serious regrets if I don’t snap it up…even though it’s not the one I really want. I’ve even called the manufacturer to get an estimated stock date and they said May or June…so I should just wait, but then the other model came in a couple of weeks ago and I got all antsy again! Someone tell me to just keep waiting, okay?
My dream bathroom would include a giant soaker tub, but you know what? That just isn’t possible in our little house.
Is our house little? I’m not really sure. It sure isn’t a tiny house, but it seems small compared to I’ve been in recently, except for our giant basement, but that won’t help my small bathroom with no room for a tub. Hmm…
Anyway, other plans not on this design board include:
- Widening the door to be more accessible
- Removing the popcorn ceilings
- Adding a light over the shower
- Removing the tall storage cabinet behind the existing door
- Replacing the shower door and making the shower bigger
- Upgrading our fan system (I tend to run the hot water so long ours can’t keep up)
- Bigger window with a ledge for plants?
- Skinny storage cabinet under the window?
- Adding built-in storage cubbies in the shower tile
I obviously haven’t chosen all the design elements like shower fixtures, etc. I have tile I like but need to run numbers to find what’s most affordable while giving us the look we want. But I figure we can more easily choose those once we get the shower door situation figured out…that’s the main question mark right now because I wanted a frameless swinging door (rather than sliding) but it will need to open out for code/safety and I’m not sure our small bathroom has room for that, so I was thinking we’d just have it open in AND out, but that will require altering the door kit (yes, I called the shower door manufacturer too) or buying a a custom door (which won’t be in the budget).
Another puzzle is where we’ll be able to put some towel hooks if we are able to make the shower have a glass window to let in light from the window…so many things we just won’t know until we get in there and get started. And that’s nerve-racking.
Either way, I’m thinking I may start to prep for demo soon. Maybe I’ll just go for it and start emptying out storage drawers into boxes (we’ve already had two giant boxes full of stuff for four months due to having to use up a a ton of FSA funds and not having room for everything) and then taking apart the awful storage cabinet behind the door?!?
Now, before we go, I should probably share a few more before photos, but let’s be real, this room is tiny and dark and hard to photograph, so it’s no surprise this won’t be very helpful. Except to show you why I’m so desperate to give this room the attention it deserves!?
So ready for a new floor in here. This one is just not my taste at all.
Also, this screw that didn’t get covered in the drywall process by whoever did this renovation before we bought the house mocks me every single time I take a shower.
Same for these barcodes. Ugghhhh!
Ah! I cannot WAIT until this is done.
Any advice on bathroom renovations? Or suggestions on the design? Or hanging plants that can live happily in our shower? Oh, and what size house is “small” or “big” to you? I’m curious!