There’s big stuff happening in our newlywed lives.

For one, we’ve now been married for more than 11 months! Almost a year! According to some, we’re almost out of the newlywed stages! Wow!
On that note, I’m planning for some changes coming up for the blog. If we’re no longer newlyweds, we’ll have to think of a way to transition that to the next few years, right? (Let me know if you have an idea!)
Anyway, the changes.
First of all, I’m now back down to one job. Which is both good and bad. Good because I’m able to stay home, saving gas money and getting ready for the summer ahead of us. Bad because it means a gap in income, at a sort of unfortunate time.
But, I’m still writing from home, and I’ve actually picked up several freelancing projects from the company where I served my internship these past few months. So I’m actually finding myself pretty busy while I’m at home lately.
There’s other changes coming our way soon as well, but you’ll have to stay tuned to hear all about those.
But the main change I’ve noticed is that we’ve been staying home more. We no longer play volleyball on Tuesdays since the league ended. We haven’t been going to visit friends and family back home every weekend. We haven’t been running around crazy for errands and other stuff at night. It’s just been us, living up here in the city, being a married couple.
And I’ll admit that I’ve been surprised by how nice it feels.
How calming and relaxing our weekends really are when we aren’t running around all over the place.
How comforting it is to just be us as we really settle into our life together as husband and wife.
How proud I am of the way we are content to find fun, easy, and usually free things to do when we find our schedule free and clear.
How awesome it is that we don’t have to find anything at all to do if we don’t want to.
Is this what married life feels like? Does this mean we really are no longer newlyweds?
I think maybe it does.
Which makes me a little sad. But a whole lot happy.
I’m gonna dispute the one-year thing. I’ve heard you’re newlyweds until year three…some say you are until you have kids!! So…in my book you’ve got at least two years to go!! But, if you’re ready to move onto something else for your blog, I’m not gonna give you a hard time about that. 🙂
I’m excited to hear the “new” news! And I’ve got some for you, too, that might help busy-up your summer a little…if you like. I’ll email you about that.
Curious…what are your anniversary plans? Going anywhere? Doing anything special? Who is planning? You? The Hubs? Both of you? Whatever it is, I hope it’s GREAT!
Great idea on getting an early start to the anniversary plans. We were wanting to take a big road trip like we did for our honeymoon, but now, because of some other things in our life, we likely won’t have a chance to do that. So we’re back to needing ideas! I’m sure we’ll plan it together though.
We may be newlyweds for 3 years…hmm…but I still may do some changes with the blog format. I’m not sure yet. Just another aspect of life that’s currently “wait and see!”
I’ll look forward to your email!