So, the other day I baked a chocolate cake and we just finished eating it not that long ago. But before that happened, I made the same recipe again, this time in cupcake form to take to a friend’s house. But we still ended up with leftover cupcakes, and I didn’t have enough frosting to frost them all, so I still have extra frosting, which means I’ll have to make another cake batch to use that all up. Oh darn.
Phew. That’s a lot of chocolate cake. Which is both good and bad.
Good to eat, bad for my skinny jeans, or rather me in them.
But luckily, I’ve never been one to focus too much on that sort of thing. As long as I feel strong and healthy and my jeans button up, I’m perfectly happy to eat two or three cupcakes…in one night.
Anyway, here’s some photos of this second batch. Which is so good that by the end of tonight, I might be able to say I’ve eaten a half a dozen on my own…in less than twenty-four hours.
(Wow, that sounds bad when I admit it to you guys. Hopefully you won’t judge me too much, and you’ll appreciate the way I’ve been hauling my cupcake-eating self around for my runs in the cold drizzling rain the past two days.)

I swear this batter is the best cake batter I’ve ever tasted. Wyatt and I licked the bowl clean to prove it. Isn’t it nice that no one’s around to tell me not to do that. (Or does it mean I should be the one telling Wyatt to not do that now that I’m the lady of the house…hmmm, I’ll wait ’til we have little ones to start giving out that warning.)

These cupcakes turned out delicious. Though I have to admit that I did fill the cups a little too full, and they overflowed a little.

And then last night, after dinner, while Wyatt played video games, I made the extra frosting to finish the cupcakes.

And in case you were wondering, Wyatt liked them, too.

So, basically, I’ve made the same cake recipe twice and neither time turned out as well as I’d like. It was good, really good. But, I’ve got some research, practicing, and, of course, eating to do.
Moral of this chocolate story. We’ve eaten way too much cake in the past week. And I’m pretty sure neither of us feels too bad about it.
After all, what’s the fun of having your cake if you can’t eat it, too?
(Bad pun…but I couldn’t help myself. Forgive me?)
These look great, but the last picture is my favourite part of the whole post. My husband has got to the stage now were before he eats he checks it has been photographed! Have fun with cooking and your husband!
You’re never too old to lick the bowl! Just don’t let the kids see in the future. ^^’
Good advice!
What cake recipe do you use? I’ve been looking for a good chocolate cake recipe from scratch.
Betty Crocker. The one in her ultimate cookbook thing. Yummy!
Ok, thank you! 🙂