It all started a few months ago when I teared up when I saw this commercial on TV. (I googled it and found this extended version.) Seriously, I dare you to watch it and not feel all warm and fuzzy, whether you’re a cat person or not!

But then I saw this one yesterday, and immediately rewatchedΒ the longer version online. I know I’m already married, so “my day” is done, but come on, how sweet is this? I still get mushy every time I watch it!

And there’s more! See all the ones in between here:

Sorry for the mush. Maybe I miss my wedding. Maybe I miss my cat. Maybe I wish Wyatt would ever break out of his “I hate all cats” shell and let me have a kitten.

But mostly, I think I’m just a girly girl at heart who loves a good love story. Who cares that it was written for the sole purpose of selling expensive cat food?

Not this girl.

6 Thoughts on “A cat person at heart…”

  • Purina knows their target market: young unmarried (but potentially dating) women with cats. However, since you don’t have a cat right now, they are first and foremost trying to get you to buy a cat, so then you can buy their expensive cat food. Conspiracy! Don’t give in! I’ll catch you our wild kitty and she’ll have to be okay with regular cat food. πŸ˜‰ Just kidding. Sadly, I don’t think I’ll be able to woo her into becoming friendly enough for me to transport her to your parents’ house.

  • AHHHH — I hadn’t actually watched that last one you posted. The lady is like “OMG, you brought Fluffy?! Oh, I love you so much!” That is crazy.

    You know what else is crazy? “Spiders” is one of your medium sized (so I assume more common) tag terms on the side of this blog. That’s kind of unfortunate. πŸ™ Darn Spiders.

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