Dumpster Diving Diva
Ok, so the title is a little misleading because Hubs was also involved in this dumpster diving escapade, and we […]
Finding extraordinary joy in our ordinary home. Come join us.
Ok, so the title is a little misleading because Hubs was also involved in this dumpster diving escapade, and we […]
You guys know how much I’m loving my kitchen window sill herb garden so far this spring. I’ve talked about […]
I’m sure you guys have seen posts that talk about the chalkboard we have on our mantle. (Here’s a couple: […]
On Saturday, Hubs and I spent most of our day outside prepping our giant yard for the upcoming spring and […]
As part of the long, drawn-out process of growing-up the guest room, I’ve been trying to find some sort of […]
It’s been almost four months since we shared our 2013 resolutions with you guys, and that means it’s time for […]
When we purchased our Craigslist dresser, all those months ago, it came with a matching headboard. Since we’re not using […]
As spring has slowly started to arrive, we have been thinking about our garden plans and realized that there are […]